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Styling a Teak Storage Bench

Do you marvel at the way designers can take any piece of furniture and make it shine? Today we are going to give you some tips and tricks on how to style a teak storage bench. This sturdy and ultra-versatile piece of storage furniture can be used both inside and outside depending on your personal needs.

Anderson Teak Storage Bench

Anderson Teak Storage Bench

1. Consider Placement

A storage bench such as this is meant to make your life more organized. Think about what you are going to store inside the bench and place the bench accordingly. Placed by the front door, this bench becomes the perfectly place to store backpacks, shoes, umbrellas, coats, hats, and more. Outside, this becomes the ideal storage container for pool towels and outdoor cushions. Move this bench in a casual guest bedroom as the perfect place to store extra pillows, blankets, and bedding. Once you have decided how you want to use the storage bench, styling the bench becomes that much easier.

2. Add Pillows

Make this bench even more inviting by placing some pillows on it. Pillows are one of my favorite ways to infuse personality. Choose some with sayings, bold graphics, or even a bit of sparkle if those call out to you. If you plan on using this bench outdoors, make sure that the pillows are covered in an outdoor fabric that will hold up to the elements.

3. Address the Wall Above It

Tie the whole area together by addressing the wall above the bench. There are so many options when it comes to wall hangings. You can place framed pictures, rectangular mirrors, and wreaths are all popular go-to options. If this bench is gracing your foyer, cork boards and hooks will help to keep your family organized.

About Philip Travers