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How to Hang a Wreath

A seasonal wreath can be a great addition to your home. Traditionally they are hung over a mantle or on the front door, but they can also be beautiful hung in a guest bathroom or over an entry table. Here are four ways to properly hang wreaths throughout your home.

22-Inch Sunflower Wreath

22-Inch Sunflower Wreath

On a Door
Display seasonal wreaths without adding any holes to your front door by investing in a wreath hook. This handy piece of metal slides over the top of the door and hangs down to wrath height. Just rest your wreath on the hook. It will be easy to switch out when the seasons change. Best of all, the wreath hooks are beautiful in their own right and add an extra touch to your door display.

From Crown Molding
Fishing line, also referred to as monofilament, is a strong and transparent way to hang a wreath. Check the package to see how much weight the fishing line will hold. If you have a Styrofoam wreath, tack the fishing line to it with a floral pin. If you have a wire frame wreath, just tie it to the center back of the frame. Run the line up to the top edge of your crown molding at tack it with a flat pushpin. When you stand back you will never see how it is secured to the molding.

Over a Mirror
Place a strong 3M hook on the back of the mirror but here is the trick, place it upside down. Cut a length of ribbon long enough to double over. Secure the two loose ends to the wreath itself. Then hook the looped part to the hook on the back. It will support the wreath and is easy to remove once you want to take the wreath down.

On a Wall
Use a piece of picture hanging wire and secure a small loop on the back of the wreath. Make sure to place the loop in the center of the top portion of the wreath. Hammer a sturdy nail or picture hanging hook into the wall an place the wire loop over the nail or hook.

About Philip Travers