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Holiday Decorating with Oversized Christmas Ornaments

Have you seen those beautiful oversized Christmas ornaments but always wondered just how to use them? Today’s blog is all about ways that you can decorate with those extra large finial ornaments. Pick and choose your favorite ideas from this list and you will achieve stunning results.

Oversized Christmas Ornaments

Oversized Christmas Ornaments

Decorate an Outdoor Tree
This is a beautiful example of how oversized ornaments can be used to decorate a leaf-barren tree in your front yard. This homeowner purchased a variety of oversized ornaments and hung them at different levels from their tree. They went on to reflect the bright colors of the ornaments on the ground by laying some Christmas lights over the mulch beneath the tree. This is a great application of lights because they aren’t attached to anything, they are just haphazardly scattered on the ground.

Bay Window Treat
If you have a decorative bay window in your home, it is the perfect opportunity for putting together an amazing holiday display. Take a series of oversized ornaments and hang them at varying heights from the top of the window casing. Place a couple flameless candles, bowls of potpourri, or Christmas figurines on the window ledge below the ornaments.

Accentuate Vaulted Ceilings
If you have tall ceilings in your home, why not accentuate them with some stunning and reflective ornaments hanging from their peak. Have them drop down from the vaulted ceiling or a chandelier from some coordinating ribbons. Hang the center one down the farthest and create a circle of coordinating ornaments hanging from shorter ribbons around it. This design looks even better with a larger central ornament and slightly smaller ones surrounding it.

About Philip Travers