Silk carnations can make any room in the house come alive. Looking at a vast, colorful bouquet can be uplifting and delightful. No matter the occasion of the flowers, you want them to last as long as possible. That is why our artificial silk carnations would be perfect for your home. The life expectancy on a bouquet of real fresh flowers depends on how healthy they were at the time you purchased them. Only if the carnations are cared for correctly, the blooms will last longer than a week. Otherwise, the flowers will not last long at all. The artificial carnations are perfect for anyone who wants long-lasting blooms. The beautiful silk carnation is excellent to place in any room of your house. You will be happy to know the beautiful artificial carnation flowers do not require water. That is right, not one single drop of water for these stunning flowers. The carnation is known to be one of the more common decorating flowers. One look at this remarkable plant and you will realize why it is such a favorite. The fantastic full blooms are nothing short of fabulous. The silk flowers perfectly capture an elegant look with the included black ceramic vase. There is never any need for watering. You will come to fall in adoration with our artificial carnation arrangement. You must be tired of your locally acquired carnations always dying after only a couple of days. You can claim our artificial carnation arrangement without the stress of them dying. The artificial flowers will never seem to have a drooped appearance. The flowers will continually flourish all through the numerous years you possess the plastic plant. Add a pop of shading to your home with our artificial carnation arrangement. You can create an elegant impression with our well made focal point. Place the fake daisy plant anyplace in your home or office. The plant will be best for a table stand, counter, or even on a dresser. Regardless of where you put the artificial arrangement, you will be glad to realize you have a well-made plant in your home. The excellent part of the artificially indoor carnations will be the feature of looking grand any setting. Buy this artificial indoor carnation arrangement! Your companions will want to know everything they can about your artificial flowers. Our artificial arrangement will dependably look fantastic, and they will always flourish. This artificial plant stands 11 inches tall. There is an abundant measure of brilliant flowers that set within a vase. This fake plant functions admirably with any stylistic layout in your home. The delicate artificial flowers are arranged within a beautiful jar with false water. Include this dazzling artificial arrangement into your space. You and every one of your visitors will be astonished by the nature of our artificial flowers. Buy the 11-inch plant today.
![11 inch Indoor Silk Carnation Arrangement in Vase](graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif)
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