The real birds nest plant is a type of fern. The real birds nest plant actually gets the name from the fact that the center of the plant looks a lot like a birds nest. You will notice that the birds nest fern is known for the smooth and crinkle fronds. This is a fern that commonly grows on several other things. You can find them growing on trees, on the sides of a building, and several other things. Birds nest ferns do best in very low to medium light. The light can affect how the leaves will look. It is important to know that too much light will cause the birds nest plant to turn a bad yellow color and die. Watering the plant is also a very important thing to do. The plant will need to have wettish soil. The fertilizer will need to be changed a couple times a year. There is huge amount of care going into these plants. Are you are looking for something that does not require a lot of work or skill? The artificial birds nest would be the most reasonable solution. The artificial plant doesn't not require watering, sun, and fertilizer. There is no need in having to worry whether your plant is receiving to much or too little of water. There is no need of having to constantly remind yourself to feed and water your plant fertilizer. Too much sun or too little will do no damage to your artificial plant like it would to a living plant. This plant requires little to no skill, which is why it is so perfect for someone that forgets to keep a constant schedule. This 22 inch birds nest plant will suit any environment. You can place these plants in multiple places so you can inquire a classy look in your home. It is very simple to change the style you are wanting to accomplish. Welcome this artificial birds nest plant into your space. Everyone will be completely shocked at the fact that it is not a living plant. You will be shocked at the quality of the plant. The artificial plant stands 22 inches tall. It will feel like you have the real thing. The artificial birds nest fern is a amazing addition to any space. This plant will certainly stand out in any home or office space. The artificial plant sets in a gorgeous decorated wicker basket. It will be sure to fit amazingly into any environment you place it in. The artificial birds nest plant is 22 inches tall and is sure to last many years giving an abundance of happiness. The artificial birds nest is a must have plant to add to your space.