Palm trees are known to keep shade and be relaxing. They have been important to us and are most commonly used in landscaping. These palms are known to symbolize peace, triumph, and the quality of being fertile. Romans were known to reward the champions of games and glorified military successes with palm tree branches. Now they are widely known for the symbol of paradise. These plants have large green leaves that mainly surround the top of the stem. You will most likely find one in a tropical and subtropical area. They survive well in hot and damp climates. These plants can be found in South America, areas of Southern Asia, and also can be found in Colombia. There are few that can be found in the desert area in parts of Mexico. This is why an artificial bella bamboo palm would be perfect for your home. Having an artificial palm tree in your home will feel like you are right there in a tropical area. The 6 foot artificial bella bamboo palm tree will give your home a warm and calm feeling. You will feel relaxed knowing the plant is there in your home giving of the appearance of a softened landscape. The palm requires no extra care. There is no need of watering, sun, or a warm climate. This plant will thrive even if there is no sun to be found. The quality of the plant will make people think it is a real plant. A home or office will have conditions that would normally harm a real palm plant. That is why the artificial bella bamboo palm plant is the best option to create the atmosphere for being near a tropical place. The silk plant is inside of a basic black potted pot, creating a fresh balance even in the most uninteresting of spaces. If you think having a certain plant will make you feel good and relaxed, then you need to go on and welcome this plant into your home. Recreating warm summer nights in your home any time of the year. Something is looking to claim a corner in your home, the 6 foot artificial bella bamboo palm should be in the center of it. The palm tree has over 1496 green-like leaves on a cluster of tall natural looking bamboo trunks. Give the impression of a lush and tropical sensation.